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Current Series

Good Parties

Eyewitness Good News

Have you ever wished for an in-depth investigation of Jesus? Good news! That’s exactly what Luke the Physician did back in the first-century. Luke set out to give a reliable account of Jesus’ life and ministry, interviewed eyewitnesses, investigated carefully the events of Jesus’ life, and ordered and recorded all that he learned in a document that came to be known as the Gospel of Luke.

You Are Here, Pray Like This

In every moment and season of life, prayer is the right response. And yet many of us are a little stuck when it comes to prayer. Regardless of what your prayer life looks like right now, this series will take a practical look at the real situations of our lives and what our next steps in prayer could be.


Do You Hear What I Hear?

One of the things that makes Christmas “the most wonderful time of the year” is the music. It’s everywhere we go: trickling out of shops, popping up on the radio, and incorporated into every school concert and recital. But sometimes Christmas music can drift into the background and we can miss the powerful messages it carries. This year, let's take the time to truly listen to these songs together. Because when we listen, we will hear hope, love, joy, and peace. 

Life In Exile

We now live lives in exile. So how we do live in exile? Learn from the exiled - one of the ways to learn that is to look at the people who made it through and learn from them. And in that, you live a life trusting that God will make a way for you to do the most good where you are. 

Road Trips

In life, we are always on the move. Maybe it’s a summer vacation to somewhere we've never been. Maybe it's returning to the hometowns where we grew up. Maybe the big moves in your life are to new schools, new jobs, or new relationships. No matter where we’re moving, the good news is our God is on the move with us.

One Month to Live

What if you knew that you had one month to live? How would you live differently? What would you change? Whom would you forgive, or love or celebrate? This question can give us clarity about what really matters and how we could change our lives. And once we know the answer, there is nothing to stop us from living every day like we have One Month to Live.