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Current Series

Wisdom For Life


Christmas is often about WHAT or WHEN—what to buy, what to wear to that Christmas party, when to open presents, or when will the madness be over? But really, Christmas is about WHO. And that changes everything. HE changes everything.

Greatest Hits

A series devoted to reliving some of the greatest messages delivered to our church over the last 150 years

In Order To Form A More Perfect...

What does it mean to be a citizen of Christ’s kingdom and be a citizen of the kingdoms of this world?  Can a Christian be both?  Do we live as a blessing or a curse?  And how do we do this when it seems that the world is hostile to our faith.  We will learn from the Prophet Jeremiah as he teaches God’s people in exile to live for the good of the nation where God has placed them. 


Second fiddle, second best, second place, second choice. All of us have felt the sting of feeling like we weren't part of the A-team. But theBible makes it clear that God can do world-changing work through the unexpected people of the world. Don't miss one week of our fun summer series as we look at how God uses more than just the A-team. You may feel like you are on the B-TEAM but with God you can change the world.