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Current Series

Wisdom For Life

We Are God's Plan A

How does God plan to deal with the problems facing our world.  What is God’s plan for caring for the poor, and raising kids and healing the racial divide?  These are questions Christian have been facing since the founding of the church.  From the books Acts we will see God’s answer.  We are God’s plan A (and there is no plan B.) God is working through the church and to address the needs of the world.  Don’t miss your part in God’s plans! 

This Is Your Story

For almost 2000 years, God’s church has kept following Jesus, making disciples and reaching the whole world and teaching everyone to Love God and Love Others.  And for 150 years, the outpost of God’s church called First Christian Church has done the same.  It's your story because we get to celebrate the legacy of God’s people and it is your story because we are the ones who must continue the story into the future that God has prepared for us. 

Good News. Great Joy. All People.

Have you seen the headlines? You favorite team lost, the government is in gridlock and we are still concerned about health and home. It can be hard to find good news. But there is still one voice that speak louder than todays paper. The same messengers God sent to the shepherds are still announcing the truth to anyone who is listen. Because of Christmas, there is. GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY for ALL PEOPLE. 


Navigating the roads just gets easier and easier. We no longer study maps, we just tell out phones where we want to go. But sometimes in life, we find ourselves on a journey where the GPS can’t guide us and where there is no map.  But the testimony of God’s people is that God is with us and God sustains us even when our journey is Uncharted.

Master Class

As the quarantines hits, many of us decided it was a good time to learn something and when you want to learn something you want to learn from a Master.  That is what Master class is all about.  But in this class, we aren’t learning form a master chef or comedian or filmmaker.  We are learning how to live from our Master Christ.  Join together as we seek the master teacher in this Master Class. 

Whatever Happens

From the lockdown of prison Paul wrote a letter to the church in Philippi.  From this masterpiece we learn how to follow Christ in a way that leads to life and unity and endurance and joy.  This message has not faded in its urgency and applicability for today. 

Home Improvement

If your life were a house, what would it be like? A fixer-upper, in need of just a few small repairs, or mostly curb appeal with hidden problems on the inside? Join us in exploring the realities of our lives and discovering the areas in need of home improvement.

Fear Less

What would your life look like if you were fearless? Or maybe if you could just fear less. If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, we would be stuck in our fear with no good news to share. But Jesus is alive! Fear is a liar, the grave is defeated, and you can fear less.

Palm Sunday

As we prepare ourselves for Easter, we look back to Jesus’ last week of life–a week that started so well, We’re going to hear the story in a fresh way, from the perspective of his disciple, Peter. It’s a dark tale, one of betrayal and sadness, but also anticipation and hope. So sit back and prepare yourself to enter into the story as we follow Jesus, even to the point of death.