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Current Series

Wisdom For Life

Let There Be Light

God sent the light of Christ into a dark world desperate for a new word of hope and possibility. And the great news of Christmas is that God isn’t done. God still sends light into the dark corners of our lives and our world.

Jesus of Nazareth, CPA

Money makes us work, worry, fight, stress and most of us need help finding peace in managing our money. In this series, we will turn to scripture and the words of Jesus himself for some advanced training in money management. 

Setting Sail

In Setting Sail, we will learn some simple spiritual practices that can help us catch the wind of God’s Spirit and be propelled for spiritual growth.  

Torn Together

Our pain can tear us apart from one another, but the truth is, we are all torn and need each other to recover. God's desire is to heal us as we are Torn Together. 

The DNA of FCC

In this series we explore four essential commands of Jesus that form the foundation of our church as we uncover the DNA of FCC.

Summer Playlist

In the Bible, we are given a playlist to hear within the Psalms. Join us as we discover the Bible's own Summer Playlist!
